Robin Neidorf Jinfo for content purchasing
Jinfo Blog

5th January 2018

By Robin Neidorf


Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, discusses how to determine "value" when acquiring and evaluating content, plus presents a round-up of Jinfo's most relevant articles, reports and reviews for people responsible for buying content and content products.


The working agenda for content purchasing and licensing in 2018 looks to be a continuation of the trends that have dominated the field for the past three years: whilst we're seeing stabilisation of content budgets - and even some modest increases - the focus in 2018 will continue to be on measuring the value of investments in content and data.

These are not easy or standard measurements, however, and we are only now developing the right tools to capture and report them.

Determine the "right" resources

You'll find a myriad of examples, resources and worksheets to support different kinds of value analysis in:

Both of these projects emphasise the central role of content purchasing and licensing in identifying and delivering the right resources.

But the calculus required to determine "right" is complex, and the variables may change as the business itself changes. Whether you are examining news sources to feed into a current awareness system or data sources to incorporate into an analytics project, "value" emerges through combining the direct costs of both content and technology and balancing all that against the actual business impact. 

Explore "value" in the context of content acquisition

I explore all these ideas in much greater detail in my chapter, "Optimizing, Measuring, and Reporting Value on Content Acquisitions" in the just-published "The Emerald Handbook of Modern Information Management", edited by Toby Pearlstein and James Matarazzo.

Also, consider participating in Jinfo's three-session set of Community sessions scheduled for July - September 2018: 

This online workshop, offered in three parts, is included with a Community subscription. Non-subscribers can join for a registration fee. Click for more details and to register.

But for immediate inspiration, there's plenty in recent Jinfo resources. Subscribers, sign in now for access. Non-Subscribers, what are you waiting for?

Find out how Jinfo supports content purchasing

Jinfo resources support content purchasing with original research, product reviews, market landscapes, Q&As with vendors and more. If you have a Jinfo Subscription, you have access to all our Content. Click any link below to login and view, save or share any item, register for webinars, and download reports.

We publish research-based insights, facilitate peer-to-peer discussions on them and offer consulting services to tailor those insights to your needs. Find the right Jinfo Subscription components to meet your needs.


Recent Subscription Content of particular interest to our customers involved with content purchasing: 



Product reviews:

Recorded webinars:



The Research Focus, "Stake your claim in the success of data analytics", runs from January - March 2018, and explores the role(s) information teams can and should play in the move towards data-focused business practices. Among the key findings of our research is the urgent need for the information industry as a whole to fix the problems of third-party licensing for analytics purposes. Professionals with expertise in content purchasing need to be part of these discussions.

As part of this Research Focus, we are offering a number of relevant webinars and Community sessions:


Community sessions: 

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