Robin Neidorf Insight 2 from Research Focus - size up the data licensing barrier
Jinfo Blog

26th January 2018

By Robin Neidorf


In the second  insight from the Research Focus, "Stake your claim in the success of data analytics", Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, looks at why it's so essential to get on top of licensing data for analytics use.


Stake your claim in the success of data analyticsInsight 2 for the Research Focus: "Stake your claim in the success of data analytics" is this:

Third-party licensing is one of the most painful barriers in progress with analytics, and it desperately requires the contributions and expertise of information professionals.

Until the broader industry - suppliers, buyers, project owners and stakeholders - addresses the uncertainties around licensing, confidence can only last as long as the next contract expiry date.

Get our "Insights and Actions" report for more detail:

Three actions you must take around licensing 

Access the "Insights and Actions" report to get our take on your central role in addressing the challenge of third-party licensing, and - more to the point - 3 things you can do about it, as well as a thematic index to the articles, reports, webinars and Community sessions that make up this important project.

If you've already been involved with licensing for analytics, no doubt you've experienced the frustrations first-hand. And if you haven't yet started, now is the time to get up to speed and cultivate your influence to move your organisation - and the industry - in a sustainable direction.

Our number 1 action is to find out how to leverage technology to get to grips with licensing. Learn about number 2 and 3 actions in the Insights and Actions report.

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