Robin Neidorf Jinfo for content purchasing
Jinfo Blog

18th July 2018

By Robin Neidorf


Content purchasing and licensing is an essential plank of information and research services. Here Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, discusses key challenges such as negotiating prices and measuring and communicating value. She also curates Jinfo's most relevant recent articles, reports and reviews for people responsible for buying content and content products.


If you're responsible for content purchasing and licensing in your organisation, here are the latest Jinfo insights and resources for you:

We recently convened the first of a set of three Community sessions designed to dig into "Whole-portfolio strategy and management". During our introductions, the watchword was "negotiations" - definitely a common theme for the 15+ content purchasers participating in the series.

They want to investigate the challenges of negotiations, particularly when:

  • A given product is the only source for a certain type of information
  • Venture capital has recently been introduced... and prices are soaring
  • You want to reset the relationship as more of a partnership.

You can find countless high-quality resources, training programmes and coaches to develop negotiating skills, but Jinfo provides the focus on tips and tricks of particular use for negotiating in our industry. The next Community session of "Jinfo for content purchasing" (6th August) will offer a forum for exactly that. 


Beyond the basics to ROI and value

The best content procurement teams challenge themselves - and their stakeholders - to find ever more meaningful ways to measure and communicate value. You won't want to miss Bill Noorlander's insightful commentary, "Measuring ROI for information services and professionals - an alternative point of view", for a top-down analysis of the state of the industry for determining ROI, along with some practical suggestions for improving your own efforts.

Jantinus Meints leads what Jinfo has long considered one of the most effective global procurement teams. You can learn about his management philosophy in this Q&A with him, and then get further flavour on his leadership style through the notes produced from a Community session in which he presented on "setting aside time for strategy" (sign in on that page with your MyJinfo credentials to download the notes).

Then try your hand at evaluating your current capability for running a value-based operation and get practical suggestions on how to improve, by using our "Jinfo model - maturity model for value-based operations". You can explore these ideas with your peers by joining our 26th July Community session, "Using Jinfo's model for value basis for operations to improve your service".


Tools + intelligence

A recurring theme in Jinfo's research of 2018 is to balance the power of human intellect with the power of technology - select and use the right technology and tools to take care of elements of content purchasing and free up your brain for strategic thinking.

We see this theme in our current Research Focus, "Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellence", in which a number of recent market landscapes describe options for subscription management, query management and other tasks.

Get further insight on this topic in our 23rd August webinar, "State of the industry for automation".


Find out how Jinfo supports content purchasing

Jinfo resources support content purchasing with original research, product reviews, market landscapes, Q&As with vendors and more. If you have a Jinfo Subscription, you have access to all our Content; if your account includes Community access, you also have access to upcoming Community sessions and the notes from previous sessions. 

We publish research-based insights, facilitate peer-to-peer discussions on them and offer consulting services to tailor those insights to your needs. Learn more about the benefits of a Jinfo Subscription

Recent Subscription resources of particular interest to our customers involved with content purchasing: 



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