Robin Neidorf Research update - Measure and improve ROI of your intelligence systems
Jinfo Blog

7th November 2019

By Robin Neidorf


Can you measure and demonstrate ROI on your intelligence systems, and improve them over time? Jinfo's Research Focus 'Intelligence systems - intelligence 2020' shows you how.


Why do you deliver current awareness or intelligence services?  

Most information teams we work with provide these services for a combination of reasons:

Click to view

But can you measure it? Can you demonstrate ROI and improve it over time?  

Yes, you can: The Jinfo Consulting workshop, "Awareness and intelligence evaluation", can show you how.  

But start first with the resources in our Research Focus, "Intelligence systems - intelligence 2020":

For more than 10 years, Jinfo has studied the news category. We've seen just about every combination of source material, technology and use case. Let us help you with the next iteration of yours.

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