Gretchen McNeely

Gretchen McNeely is a Senior Information Specialist at Ziba Design, with 12 years of experience in business analysis and secondary research. Her background is in advertising, venture capital, information architecture and search strategy. Gretchen holds a Bachelor"s degree in German from Dartmouth College, a Master"s degree in Information Science from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and is a Fulbright Scholar. She is a member of the Special Libraries Association and an award-winning conference presenter.

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Articles by Gretchen McNeely:

Embedded librarianship Part 1: Aligning with organisational strategy to transform information into knowledge
Wednesday, 2nd February 2011

Embedded librarianship is taking hold in many organisations providing information professionals with the chance to show the value they can add by transforming information into knowledge through strategic alignment. In Part 1 of a two-part series on embedded librarianship, Reece Dano and Gretchen McNeely describe the embedded services workflow and show the benefits, for both the organisation and the information professional, of this way of working.

Embedded librarianship part 1: Aligning with organisational strategy to transform information into knowledge [ABSTRACT]
Wednesday, 2nd February 2011

Embedded librarianship is taking hold in many organisations providing information professionals with the chance to show the value they can add by transforming information into knowledge through strategic alignment. In Part 1 of a two-part series on embedded librarianship, Reece Dano and Gretchen McNeely describe the embedded services workflow and show the benefits, for both the organisation and the information professional, of this way of working.