Adrian Janes Engineering Results: Some Alternative Search Engines [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

1st February 2009

By Adrian Janes


Familiarity and habit may drive searchers to the ‘Big Four' of search engines but, as Adrian Janes has discovered, there are number of country- and topic-driven search engines that may do the job more efficiently. This article highlights a few of his favourites that, for reasons of focus or design, have an edge on the household name search engines.


Familiarity and habit may drive searchers to the ‘Big Four' of search engines but, as Adrian Janes has discovered, there are number of country- and topic-driven search engines that may do the job more efficiently. This article highlights a few of his favourites that, for reasons of focus or design, have an edge on the household name search engines.

What's Inside:

The term Deep (or Invisible) Web seems to have largely fallen out of use, yet the continuing explosion of computer-based data makes the problem of accessing it as pertinent as ever. It would be wonderful if a concerted effort was made along the lines of Mednar in all other subject areas, says Adrian Janes, and then brought together in a unified form.


This is a brief abstract of the full article. FUMSI subscribers can log in to MyShop at FreePint view the full article. Others can subscribe to FUMSI now for access to the complete archive of FUMSI articles. 

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