Jan Davis When Smaller is Better: U.S. Merger & Acquisition Databases for Business Appraisers [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

30th September 2009

By Jan Davis


Details on the biggest mergers and acquisitions in the US are available from a number of well-known vendors, but what about information on middle market activity that is as elusive as it is valuable to business appraisers? Jan Davis provides an overview and comparison of three database vendors - DoneDeals, Pratt's Stats, and Bizcomps - who cover the middle market in the U.S.


Details on the biggest mergers and acquisitions in the US are available from a number of well-known vendors, but what about information on middle market activity that is as elusive as it is valuable to business appraisers? Jan Davis provides an overview and comparison of three database vendors - DoneDeals, Pratt's Stats, and Bizcomps - who cover the middle market in the U.S.

What's Inside:

It can be very frustrating finding comparable deal data because private companies involved in a transaction are not required to report the deal of the financial data. If a deal is reported in the news, it usually doesn't provide enough financial data to be useful to the appraiser.


This is a brief abstract of the full article. FUMSI subscribers can log in to MyShop at FreePint view the full article. Others can subscribe to FUMSI now for access to the complete archive of FUMSI articles. 

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