Designing the Samurai sword: using facets to support agile, highly-effective information management [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog
1st June 2011
How can info pros help users to find information when both organisations and information are evolving and becoming more complex? Jennifer Smith is convinced that adopting a faceted system, which assigns types and attributes to information, is the key and describes the ONEIS system which a number of information-rich organisations have successfully implemented.
How can info pros help users to find information when both organisations and information are evolving and becoming more complex? Jennifer Smith is convinced that adopting a faceted system, which assigns types and attributes to information, is the key and describes the ONEIS system which a number of information-rich organisations have successfully implemented.
What's Inside:
Using a faceted approach, you describe each piece of information by its different facets (aspects or characteristics). By comparison, using a classification approach you fit each piece of information into the closest match in a predefined taxonomy or file plan. Critically, information is useful to different people for different reasons. The faceted, or descriptive, approach enables it to be retrieved by any of its different characteristics.
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- Blog post title: Designing the Samurai sword: using facets to support agile, highly-effective information management [ABSTRACT]
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- Designing the Samurai sword: using facets to support agile, highly-effective information management
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