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Sue Henczel FUMSI Report Excerpt: Preparing and planning an audit
30th September 2007

In recent years, much progress has been made in the way organisations gain value from information audits. Now there is a range of experienced practitioners and consultants to draw upon.



Anja Chemnitz  Thygesen Doing Research in a Foreign Language Market: Tips and Techniques
31st August 2007

Conducting research in another language can be tricky, especially if you speak only your mother tongue. Being a native Danish speaker with knowledge of English, French, German and Portuguese, I have the advantage of understanding written information in Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian. Still, I often struggle when it comes to specialised topics in which I may only know the business terms in either Danish or English. This article outlines some of the lessons I have learned from researching in foreign language markets.



Adrian Janes FUMSI Report: European Research Resources
31st August 2007

Researching Europe can be undertaken on several levels. Starting with the national, one finds significant government, mass media and academic sources. The UK perspective to this report should therefore be seen as representative of a pattern that can be found to a greater or lesser extent throughout all of the EU Member States, once an entry point for a country has been found.
