Joanna Ptolomey Develop Your Independent Business: Using Information Strategically [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

6th April 2008

By Joanna Ptolomey


Independent information professionals may work outside the corporate fold, but that doesn't excuse them from the critical tasks of auditing their own businesses and strategic planning. Joanna Ptolemy shares her own process for finding, using, synthesising and delivering the information from her independent practice to the most important client of all - herself.


Independent information professionals may work outside the corporate fold, but that doesn't excuse them from the critical tasks of auditing their own businesses and strategic planning. Joanna Ptolemy shares her own process for finding, using, synthesising and delivering the information from her independent practice to the most important client of all - herself.

What's Inside:

The reality is that unless you have a private income or have won the lottery then you will need to make money from your business on a regular basis and plan for continued change and future income.


This is a brief abstract of the full article. FUMSI subscribers can log in to MyShop at FreePint view the full article. Others can subscribe to FUMSI now for access to the complete archive of FUMSI articles. 

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