Technology research site: CrunchBase
Jinfo Blog

10th November 2008


We are always on the lookout for niche information products that help with research into specialist markets. From time to time we come across some that go beyond what the premium producers offer, and we think we’ve found another example in CrunchBase The service is a directory of companies in the high-tech business and its users provide its content. It has been developed by the same people who launched TechCrunch in 2005 (TechCrunch is a website for Web 2.0 developments). CrunchBase offers a variety of information on the high-tech business; as well as companies and people in the sector, researchers can find information on service providers, on mergers and takeovers, and on investment and funding. Its home page is clean and easy to read, and helpfully includes a quick guide to the number of companies, financial organisations, funding rounds, and service providers currently available on the database. Through its advanced search page researchers can investigate companies, financial organisations and people using a number of different criteria. A particular company’s search results page will show the usual background information about the company but will also provide data on the site’s location, relevant tags, and traffic analytics. A caveat is that, as the content is generated by the website users, if no one has provided content on a research subject no data will be found. That notwithstanding, this is another useful site for those who follow the technology sector.

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