Anne Jordan SMEs leading the way
Jinfo Blog

19th January 2010

By Anne Jordan


A report by the Federation of Small Businesses ( is amongst the voices recently highlighting the importance of SMEs in leading the way out of recession. Today, the British Library has announced how it sees libraries supporting their efforts, and calls on information vendors to investigate opportunities for selling data to this sector through integrated service models. The British Library recommendations are based on a study undertaken by JISC and the British Library Research Service ( which calls for an integrated service model with universities, colleges and public libraries working in partnership to help businesses obtain the information and knowledge they need. The study includes a survey of SMEs and shows the sort of information they are looking for. Not surprising, their main port of call is the web. Eight information producers/publishers contributed to the research and only one identified start-ups and SMEs specifically as their core target market. In the light of information vendors' reduced revenues, as reported recently by Tim Buckley Owen (, perhaps this presents an opportunity. JISC calls on the publishers "to explore models that make their content available to small businesses that would not otherwise be able to afford subscriptions" and adds that "a creative dialogue between the publishing and library community may result in solutions that enable publishers to extend access and develop new revenue streams." The British Library is not alone looking at SME developments. O2’s Small Business Confidence Index, published in late December ( reveals a small business community in better financial health than a year ago, looking to capitalise on anticipated economic improvement in 2010. Yesterday, Doug Richard, the former "dragon" and founder of the School for Startups published his manifesto for enterprise ( As if to drive home the SME message, an SLA posting hits my InBox as I write this, announcing that a software start-up is looking for a Research Consultant. Perhaps SMEs are leading the way.

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