Lynn Strand Take a full-circle view of information sharing
Jinfo Blog

29th March 2012

By Lynn Strand


As children, we’re taught that sharing is the right thing to do. As information professionals, it’s a fundamental part of what we do. When we need to share information with our internal clients, how can we do this in the most efficient and effective way?


As children, we’re taught that sharing is the right thing to do. As information professionals, it’s a fundamental part of what we do. We have a wealth of information and data available to us and we have our “magical” abilities to find exactly what our clients need. But, when we need to share it with our internal clients, how can we do this in the most efficient and effective way?

In my organisation, my team is undertaking the planning for just this task. How can we share the info on trends, markets, drivers and competitors that we come across every day? My team serves internal clients across the globe and across the organisation – from sales and marketing to research scientists and the legal and finance teams. We are seeking new, interesting and valuable ways to reach all of them.

Getting content into the hands of users is important, but it is not a simple proposition. Think about it ... sharing, using and managing information: one leads to another and back around again. They all work hand in hand in providing our constituents with what they need, when they need it. As info pros, we strive to provide the information, turn the information into knowledge and get it to the people who need it most. From embedding information professionals into teams to strategic use of social media for sharing and the role of information professionals in content management, the FUMSI Report: Folio on Information Sharing includes a range of articles that provide varying views of what sharing can mean.


FUMSI Subscribers have access to this report in their FreePint accounts. If you are not a FUMSI Subscriber, you can purchase the report in the FreePint Shop.

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