Anne Jordan Source Update 2012: What's happening with online sources?
Jinfo Blog

24th September 2012

By Anne Jordan


Every month, contributing editor Anne Jordan researches changes in the source lists for commonly used aggregators like Factiva and Nexis. Full Source Update articles are included in the FreePint Subscription; this article provides a small taste. 


Aggregator Takedowns

Factiva takedowns this month result primarily from publications that have ceased operations. Publications from China, Bulgaria and France are among the casualties.

Within Nexis, a number of takedowns relate to the publications being sold to new owners, or the loss of distribution rights by intermediaries. Affected titles include a number in applied mathematics and other scientific or academic journals.

Aggregator Additions

Continuing with strategic additions of sources to aggregated content, Factiva announced newly available titles in Chinese (including the Chinese edition of the New York Times), and news from a German broadcaster available in German, Portuguese, Turkish and other languages.

Nexis announced the addition of 205 websites in Arabic, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish. These press websites from the Middle East, North Africa, Russia, Eastern Europe, Brazil, Portugal and Latin America add to the existing 1,000 sites in English, Dutch, French and German. announced new additions for September to cover news sites in the US and India, and trade news in the UK.

Elsewhere, metadata from Chinese information provider Apabi’s e-book collection will be available via EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). The subject matter within the e-book collection covers areas including the humanities, literature, science & technology and economics.

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