Deb Hunt Visibility Provides Access to Vital Assets
Jinfo Blog

26th January 2015

By Deb Hunt


The most critical asset in any organisation is what its people know. The effective use and exploitation of knowledge plays a large role in success in business. As info pros, we can empower our organisations and clients to close more deals, track the competition, and make critical business decisions to grow their business and become more profitable.


Finding the right information solution for an organisation comes down to one thing - what is the cost associated with not having the right information in the right hands at the right time?

Have you ever tried to find a document, image or other bit of strategic knowledge that you knew existed in your organisation, but just couldn't get your hands on it? Unorganised information in organisations makes it nearly impossible to locate valuable content.  

Why Enterprise Content Management (ECM)?

ECM "is the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organisational processes. ECM tools and strategies allow the management of an organisation's unstructured information, wherever that information exists," as defined by

Early ECM projects were about eliminating paper and filing costs or meeting regulatory document retention requirements. Today they are all about productivity for all types of users - from salespeople to HR professionals to knowledge worker consumers of content - and saving time and money. Nucleus Research (PDF) noted that "ECM delivers $7.50 for every dollar spent".

Where Do Information Professionals Fit Into This?

What business information challenges keep your organisational gatekeepers awake at night?

The most critical asset in any organisation is what its people know. The effective use and exploitation of knowledge plays a large role in success in business. As info pros, we can empower our organisations and clients to close more deals, track the competition, and make critical business decisions to grow their business and become more profitable.

We can connect our clients and users to the internal repository of information in the organisation in a way that serves them and the organisation well and engages our clients on their terms and devices, and add value where we can.

Don't wait to be asked to take the lead on ECM in the organisation. As an info pro, you are qualified to do so and can make the case to lead or co-lead this organisational initiative.

Find Out More

The Subscription Article "Making Internal Information Visible Using Enterprise Content Management" provides detail on how enterprise content management and digital asset management (DAM) can help ensure your firm discovers vital assets, what makes a project a success and key features to look for in your ECM or DAM solution.

 This Blog Item is part of the FreePint Topic Series "Making Information Visible".

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