Catherine Dhanjal Fair Use of Proprietary Knowledge
Jinfo Blog

21st July 2015

By Catherine Dhanjal


We ask global business research expert Irene Koren what information researchers, employers and employees should be doing to ensure that intellectual property and copyright are respected.


FreePint Topic Series: All About UsageThere is no such thing as a free lunch... not even for intellectual knowledge

Explains business intelligence specialist Irene Koren, "Knowledge is almost a commodity in today's world. Digitalisation has made it extremely easy to share and disseminate reports, documents and data. The positive effects are clear to everyone. However, it does not mean that we should freely share everything we know or everything we learned."

Subscribers can access Irene's article "Respecting the Ownership of Knowledge" where she discusses the importance of respecting ownership rights of intellectual knowledge in a world where it has become almost standard practice to share and disseminate reports, documents and data without a second thought.

However, Irene makes the point that those who behave like this in a professional environment not only damage the authors - they also damage the interests of anyone else involved. 

Part of the FreePint Topic Series "All About Usage - From Content Sharing to Data Mining" (register for updates), Irene's article highlights the role of service providers, employers, researchers and employees in helping to protect those who build and sell knowledge. 

Irene heads up Insensis, a business intelligence and business research firm working with clients globally. She draws on her 20 years of experience in research in her Subscription Article "Respecting the Ownership of Knowledge", where she argues the case for ensuring that your employees and your service providers don't violate any copyright laws or threaten future knowledge building efforts.

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