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Product review of Springer AdisInsight (value - help & training; competitors; development; pricing)
Tuesday, 16th June 2020
In the final part of our product review of AdisInsight from Springer Nature, a database of international drug research offering a single access location for current evidence on drug developments and treatments, we find out what help and training is available to users as well as competition in this area, including Cortellis from Clarivate Analytics, Trialtrove from Pharma Intelligence and Orbit Intellixir from Questel. We also find out about its plans to improve end-user privacy and introduce content visualisation.
Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)
Product review of Springer AdisInsight (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
Monday, 15th June 2020
In the third part of our product review of AdisInsight from Springer Nature, a database of international drug research offering a single access location for current evidence on drug developments and treatments, we explore the technology behind the product. We focus on the options available to search, share and export its five content sets and how administrators can better monitor usage.
Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)
Product review of Springer AdisInsight (sources - content and coverage)
Friday, 12th June 2020
In the second part of our product review of AdisInsight from Springer Nature, a database of international drug research offering a single access location for current evidence on drug developments and treatments, we look at its content. In particular, its five content sets; drugs, clinical trials, deals, safety reports and patents. We also find out about its extensive editorial process.
Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)
Product review of Springer AdisInsight (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
Thursday, 11th June 2020
AdisInsight from Springer Nature is a comprehensive scientific database of international drug research, offering a single access location for current evidence on drug developments and treatments. In the first part of Jinfo's updated product review, we take a look at the company behind the product, its key advantages, what's changed since our last review in 2017, and the product's value to those organisations working within the healthcare sector.
Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)
Product review of Springer AdisInsight
Thursday, 11th June 2020
AdisInsight is a comprehensive scientific database of international drug research. It holds curated, evidence-based records of drugs at all stages of development. Content is added and updated daily by experts and it also uses web-scraping algorithms. Jinfo last reviewed the product back in 2015...
Data trends in the pharma industry
Wednesday, 19th February 2020
Information professionals within the pharma industry will no doubt be aware of the prominence of artificial intelligence and machine learning in 2020, but what other trends look set to shake the industry up this year? This article takes a look at what we can expect, including advances involving the Internet of Things and advanced analytics amongst others, and explores some of the data protection regulations worldwide.
APIs - what are they and what do they do?
Friday, 30th August 2019
If you're an information manager working with content, you'll need to know about APIs. This article looks at what APIs are, how they can be used, what propelled their growth, and the benefits of using APIs from an information manager's perspective. Plus, we examine what to look out for when considering their use within the organisation, along with some useful resources to learn more about them.
Service complexity in the pharmaceutical industry
Friday, 28th June 2019
We find out more about the Scientific Intelligence (SciIntel) group at Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi, the global French pharmaceutical company and whether technology innovations such as text mining and options for full text search are enabling them to handle complex queries more efficiently.
Alteryx - applying technology to real world problems
Friday, 31st May 2019
This article looks at some of the issues explored in a recent webinar held by Alteryx, the data science and analytics software company, and presented by Nick Jewell and Sumit Paul-Choudhury. It looked at the history of computing and artificial intelligence and some of the issues that have started to emerge from its use. It also focused on the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and ends with a useful checklist for AI projects.
Q&A with GSK - seamless access to global data
Thursday, 4th April 2019
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. As part of our Research Focus, "Creating an Information Centre of Excellence", Andrew Lucas recently spoke to Helen Malone, director of the Global Information Hub at GSK and the president of Pharma Documentation Ring to find out about the company, Helen's recent talk at the ConTech conference, GSK's comprehensive data and analytics strategy and what role information professionals can play in the future.
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26th February 2025
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How to thrive in 2025; AI and news with Dow Jones; AI contracting questions answered; information risk; end-user education
7th January 2025
- Data-led AI, educating colleagues about AI, standardising data licences, from information retrieval to integrated intelligence with Dow Jones Factiva
12th February 2025 - Data-led AI initiatives - the role for information managers?
11th February 2025 - How to thrive in 2025; AI and news with Dow Jones; AI contracting questions answered; information risk; end-user education
7th January 2025
- Jinfo Community session (TBC - Mar 2025) (Community) 20th March 2025
- The impact of AI: educating colleagues (Community) 26th February 2025
- From information retrieval to integrated intelligence - with Dow Jones (Community) 23rd January 2025