Tim Buckley Owen Have a beta-test mind - just do it!: An interview with the British Library and SLA [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

1st January 2008

By Tim Buckley Owen


What do a publicly funded institution like the British Library and the competitive members of the Special Libraries Association have to offer each other in the web 2.0 era? Tim Buckley Owen has been asking BL chief executive Lynne Brindley and SLA chief executive Janice Lachance.


What do a publicly funded institution like the British Library and the competitive members of the Special Libraries Association have to offer each other in the web 2.0 era? Tim Buckley Owen has been asking BL chief executive Lynne Brindley and SLA chief executive Janice Lachance.

What's Inside:

Another shibboleth I can challenge for the profession is we use 'collaboration' in a very, very loose way. Often it means we just like to talk with each other. Actually what we've been trying to do is see what are the qualities needed for a win-win collaboration or partnership. And that isn't touchy-feely stuff; that is pretty tough, hard-nosed stuff. TBO: Are public institutions also having to move away from the 'discard versus save' values of the print era because those are no longer relevant?


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