Risa Sacks Search Beyond the Web: When to Pick Up the Phone [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

5th July 2008

By Risa Sacks


Online search has come to dominate the information world, but there's one 19th century tool no researcher should be without - the telephone. Risa Banks reminds us of ten situations in which picking up a phone and talking to someone in person is far more effective than any other search tool.


Online search has come to dominate the information world, but there's one 19th century tool no researcher should be without - the telephone. Risa Banks reminds us of ten situations in which picking up a phone and talking to someone in person is far more effective than any other search tool.

What's Inside:

In doing due diligence, for example, if all the customers provide very guardedly neutral to negative responses, that's at least a warning sign to dig deeper. And if their voices go from warm and friendly to icy and disdainful in a heartbeat, red flags start waving!


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