Heidi Longaberger Show Me the Money: Venture Capital Resources [ABSTRACT]
Jinfo Blog

5th February 2010

By Heidi Longaberger


While funding for VC firms took a beating in 2009, it was by no means stagnant, and it continues to rebound with the recovering economy. Heidi Longaberger provides a useful round up of free and fee data sources on vc funding, from databases and newswires to crowdsourced sites.


While funding for VC firms took a beating in 2009, it was by no means stagnant, and it continues to rebound with the recovering economy. Heidi Longaberger provides a useful round up of free and fee data sources on vc funding, from databases and newswires to crowdsourced sites.

What's inside:

VC industry information falls within the inevitable two categories: fee and free, the former having the most detail and malleable performance data, and the latter making the boss happiest.


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