Udo Hohlfeld Google and Microsoft to advise the White House
Jinfo Blog

28th April 2009

By Udo Hohlfeld


The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) hosts a variety of scientists and technologists with the aim to consult the President of the United States of America on policies related to science, technology and innovation. President Obama has named a number of high profile members representing a diversity of professional backgrounds. Two of them are Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Microsoft Chief Research and Strategy Officer Craig Mundie. It seems as if they are the only members from high-tech companies. And more interestingly, they are fierce competitors in the market. Both companies are strongly committed to research though following different strategies: Google gives employees the freedom to invest some of their worktime into innovation, whereas Microsoft relies on centralized research efforts by its dedicated research team. Both companies engage in Cloud Computing and again with differing strategies and the same is true in the area for mobile computing. These are also three hot topics for the US Government. The task fo PCAST is to help the government modernize its infrastructure and public services reflecting trends in technology but also in society. So, to whom will the President listen then: Google or Microsoft? Actually, this is not so important as long as the decisions made are for the best of the people and it may be that we can see trends in our industry to be manifested in the White House's IT modernization strategy. Source: The White House Press Office - http://digbig.com/4yqrm

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