Nancy Davis Kho Video Search evolves: NetGain
Jinfo Blog

6th May 2009

By Nancy Davis Kho


One of the topics that came up repeatedly at SIIA's NetGain conference on the convergence of content and technology in San Francisco on May 4 and 5 was enterprise-class video search solutions. Not surprising… though video growth has been mainly fueled by consumer usage via YouTube, companies are increasingly seeing the benefits of telling their stories in non-text formats. But video search capabilities have lagged behind. Peter Jackson, Thomson Reuters' chief scientist, mentioned in a panel discussion on innovation that the company has a product in beta mode that takes the soundtrack of a video and applies semantic autotagging, presenting the results in a tag cloud so that users can click on a term and see instantly where that appears in the video. What's more, those tags are linked to Thomson Reuters' structured company data so that the mention of Microsoft, for instance, can be moused over for a direct link to corporate or stock data on the company. Thomson Reuters is working with Everyzing ( on its video search solution; if the name is familiar, it's because Everyzing already has partnerships in place with Dow Jones Factiva, Newstex and MetroMonitor to provide the same video search capabilities. A short while later during the SIIA Product Previews, which allow SIIA member companies to give 5-minute overviews of new product innovations, LexisNexis Group's Scott Livingston showed off his company's efforts to enhance video search by leveraging LexisNexis taxonomies. The effort comes on the heels of the May 5 announcement that LN will be the first launch distributor of Newstex's Video on Demand ( According to the press release, 'This new integrated resource enables LexisNexis customers to search for video transcripts just as they would other news, business and blog content on LexisNexis research platforms, and then click on a URL link within the transcript to actually view the corresponding video'. Stay tuned: it will be exciting to see not just improved accuracy of video searching (driven by corporate demand and dollars) but also how the content resources of companies like Thomson Reuters and LexisNexis will be married up with video for a comprehensive, multimedia solution.

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