Penny Crossland STM resources for business researchers
Jinfo Blog

15th June 2009

By Penny Crossland


A couple of new developments in the STM sector are worth mentioning: Knowledgespeak, the Indian-based STM news service and intelligence resource run by Scope e-Knowledge Center has relaunched with additional functionalities.

The resource is now part of the K-store platform, which includes current and archived news, interviews with publishers of journals and databases, as well as industry resources in the form of white papers, articles and presentations.

A virtual showroom with links to jobs, tenders and STM products and services will be useful to business information professionals in the STM sector. Scope's Business and Investment Research service, offering web, company and industry research is a further resource worth flagging, while its STM services will be of interest to librarians in this field. Services include cataloguing, classification and indexing, as well as patent abstraction.

Elsevier recently announced the expansion of its Scopus database, a resource specialising in abstracts and citations of peer-reviewed literature. Intended as an information resource for scientists, Scopus provides daily updated information and access to conference papers, trade publications, journals and book series. Researchers also like its patent search facility.

Now Elsevier has added Arts and Humanities titles to its database, by collaborating with the European Science Foundation's European Reference Index for Humanities. This will be of interest to non-scientific researchers and librarians, who now have access to journals covering general arts, literary theory, history and performing arts.

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