Nancy Davis Kho Complying with Compliance Vendors
Jinfo Blog

6th January 2011

By Nancy Davis Kho


One of my favourite parts of playing the role of vendor liaison for VIP Magazine is taking what I hear and read about the information challenges our readers are facing, and then matching it up with innovative vendor offerings and industry trends. There's not a better feeling than when a subscriber says 'Could you do a review of products that will help me (fill in the blank)' and then seeing it in print a few months later, fully fleshed out by one of our able reviewers.

This year I know one of the big information concerns shared by VIP subscribers is in the realm of compliance solutions - what's out there and what's coming. A quick perusal of press releases from compliance vendors shows a flurry of announcements around product upgrades, compliance in the cloud, mobile compliance and more. There was even a December 2010 tongue-in-cheek study by Global Compliance showing that based on their proprietary diagnostics tool, the least ethical show on network TV is 30Rock, with 11 violations per episode. ( Sounds like Liz Lemon needs to make compliance a 2011 priority, just like VIP readers.

Last year we covered Alacra Compliance in VIP 80 (July issue) and we're eager to bring you more coverage in the year ahead. But with so many players out there, it would be great to hear from you which vendors and platforms you're most interested in learning about. We have a short list but would love to compare it with your own due diligence priorities.

Please feel free to comment here or drop me a line at; I'll circle back to summarise as appropriate, and you'll see the resulting reviews in the months to come. And, as always, if there are other (non-compliance related) products you'd like to see reviewed in VIP, let me know!

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