Jan Sykes Subscription Update for Professional Services
Jinfo Blog

16th March 2015

By Jan Sykes


Professional services firms make up a significant portion of FreePint's customer base. We work closely with our customers in this industry to produce resources that speak to their broad-based content requirements and particular needs for information strategy, procurement, skill development and collaboration with other parts of their businesses. Here we highlight recent and upcoming items from FreePint's Content, Community and Consulting.


Content (Articles, Reports and Webinars)

FreePint's Topic Series "News, and Beyond" was followed closely by information managers in professional services firms as demands continue to evolve for cost-effective access to comprehensive, global news content, both for ad hoc research and for current awareness.

We highlight two summary-type resources that are certain to be valuable as you continue to monitor news resources for your organisation:

With the launch of the new Topic Series "Making Information Visible", Robin Neidorf's article titled "What is Visibility?" describes her research into differing definitions of discovery, key components, and how information professionals are tackling issues such as technology and tools, content and user behaviour.This article provides an excellent framework and common language to use in discussing information discovery and will be a useful resource as the series unfolds.

A wealth of resources are being created for this Topic Series; register to find out more and to be notified of new resources added. 

Additional perspectives on the visibility of information are discussed here:

Upcoming webinars cover multiple facets of information visibility and discovery, including:


We have recently begun offering Community of Practice (CoP) sessions for information managers in specific industries, with the next session focusing on professional services. 

Strategies for Information Managers in Professional Services is a CoP event on 5th May that is directed to information managers (buyers). It will look at the unique challenges faced by consulting and professional services businesses, including complex needs, multiple stakeholders, overheads versus billed services, and measuring success against objectives.

The list of upcoming teleconferences and CoP briefings can be found here.


We've had a query from a professional services firm who would like us to help them better understand how they might move some of their lower-value activities to shared services, offshore or outsourced model.

This is a complex challenge, and the only way to tackle it is to break it down into smaller pieces. As a preliminary step, they know that their researchers may have to alter how they interact with internal customers, so that some components of their current scope-of-work can be moved from their desks to shared services.

To do so, the staff managing those researchers needs a tool or protocol to gather and organise the different steps of their work. Developing this tool and then letting the managers run with it is a practical, "next step" approach to making progress on the complex challenge without becoming overwhelmed by it.

Editor's Note: A FreePint Subscription at the Content level gives access to all FreePint articles, reports and webinars, at the Community level gives access to all FreePint Communities of Practice (as well as all FreePint Content), and at the Consulting level adds a credit for up to six hours of annual consulting time. Find out more.

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