Robin Neidorf Research update - what information managers must know about data analytics
Jinfo Blog

1st December 2016

By Robin Neidorf


What are the most pressing data analytics challenges and questions facing information professionals as we head into 2017?


Scan the latest articles and reports published in the Research Focus "Data analytics - ready your information service" and you'll get a sense of the pressing questions facing information managers:

  • How do information professionals participate effectively in analytics projects?
  • What are vendors doing to make data available for analytics?
  • What are the most important risks associated with data analytics?
  • What new technologies do we need to understand as part of this emerging world?
  • How do stakeholders best work together to ensure the success of analytics projects?


Don't miss our data analytics research results and insights

In the final weeks of this Research Focus, you'll see:

  • Comparative data on how key vendors are making data available
  • Survey results documenting how information professionals are tackling analytics, and what their biggest concerns are
  • Jinfo's top three insights on analytics, and the specific, practical actions we recommend for acting on them.

In the meantime, you might find the recently published Jinfo Model, "Researching and planning for data analytics risks" a useful resource for breaking down this complex world into pieces that you can document, research and act on. With research-based commentary, three worksheets, and links to other Jinfo resources, it offers a framework and process for turning what could feel daunting into clear next actions.

This model - along with all articles, reports and webinars - is included in your Jinfo Subscription. If you don't yet have a subscription, contact our account manager, Anja Thygesen. She can answer your questions and find the level that fits your team's needs and budget. 


This item was featured in the most recent Jinfo Newsletter. The Jinfo Newsletter brings you updates on Jinfo's research, latest resources and tips. If you're not yet receiving it, register here (free).

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