Robin Neidorf Insight 2 from Research Focus on benchmarking - leverage technology
Jinfo Blog

23rd July 2018

By Robin Neidorf


The second insight from Jinfo's Research Focus, "Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellence" is around using technology to save time and create value-add. Find out more from our director of research, Robin Neidorf.


Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellenceThe second insight for the Research Focus, "Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellence", is this:

Information teams get stuck in transactional work in part because they rarely adopt and optimise time-saving and value-adding technology and tools for information service operations.

Get a copy of our "Insights and Actions" report, and learn why "good enough" manual systems are actually part of what's keeping you from your goal of planning and performing at a more strategic level.

You'll also get a taste of some of the management systems you can introduce to save everyone on your team time whilst building a shared knowledge base of what "best practice" means to you... even as it evolves over time. 

Your Insights and Actions report:

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