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Tim Buckley Owen Exposing the secret state
31st March 2008

There isn't an information professional in the world these days who doesn't have to demonstrate that they add value. But media librarians - the folk who work for news organisations, publications and broadcasters - probably need to try harder than most.



Marcy Phelps Finding People Information: Free Sources and Web 2.0
31st March 2008

If you're like me, your email inbox is full of offers for free webinars. Recently one caught my attention. It was called 'Finding People Information: Free Sources and Web 2.0', offered by Donna Fryer of Global Information Research & Retrieval, LLC...



Adrian Janes UK Government Information on the Internet
31st March 2008

The early days of the Internet saw great optimism as to the potential for the freeing up of information and consequent greater accountability of governments. The Internet's very existence, as well as legislation like the UK's Freedom of Information Act (2000), has indeed improved the availability of information in some respects.



Donna Fryer Legal Research: Turning It into Competitive Advantage
31st March 2008

Legal research often conjures up images of assistants scurrying to find case law, related statutes, regulations to prove an argument, or an attorney receiving a message on their Blackberryä in the courtroom with the necessary information to win the case. Yet legal research encompasses so much more.



Emma Wood Laughing at the CIO
1st March 2008



Mary Ellen  Bates Life Beyond Google: Some of the Best of the Rest
1st March 2008

Google is still the behemoth of search engines, but there is a plethora of alternative search engines that provide features not readily available on Google. They may not have Google's range of products and services but, after all, how many free unlimited-storage email services do you need?
