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Anja Chemnitz  Thygesen Evaluating Researchers: Developing a Skills Matrix
1st February 2008

We probably all have an idea of what a good researcher is capable of doing and what kind of skills that person possesses. We also know when we provide good quality and what kind of skills we use when doing this - or do we?



Deborah Liptak Beyond the Internet: Successful Research Strategies
1st February 2008

Beyond the Internet: Successful Research Strategies by Barbara A. Chernow is to the study of the research process what The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. (Strunk, William. Elements of Style. Ithaca, NY: 1918) is to the study of grammar and composition. Both are classic reference books that condense the essence of their respective discipline while not diluting the essential principles.



Matt Ide Prospect Research: Finally Coming of Age
1st January 2008

Research has been my passion and my job for many years. It's the daily challenges and uncertainty that keep me coming back time and time again. I've been involved with academic research, conducted surveys in developing countries and have even been a TV programme researcher. But for the past 6 years I've been honing my skills in a completely different branch of research - prospect research. Employed in the charity (or non-profit) sector, prospect research is little known outside of fundraising circles and even less understood.
