Robin Neidorf FreePint: Collaborative, consolidated and welcoming your input
Jinfo Blog

9th August 2012

By Robin Neidorf


Following intensive work throughout July 2012, the consolidation of FreePint is complete. The full collection of in-depth reports and dozens of articles are now published in a single FreePint Subscription. Collaboration made it possible, and collaboration with readers -- through your submission of ideas and feedback -- will keep it evolving along with the information industry.


We at FreePint spent July working hard on achieving simplicity. On 30 June, we were still publishing articles and reports under three different brands. On 31 July, everything was successfully consolidated and streamlined into a single FreePint Subscription.

Over the course of the month, FreePint Subscribers gained access to:

We've also opened up the entire archive of previous articles and reports to FreePint Subscribers. Altogether, consolidation and simplicity means that we can provide an unmatched collection of resources to support the value of information in your organisation. If you're not yet a subscriber, complete our online form "How can FreePint help?" to connect the dots between your needs and our resources.

New content development processes

In addition to the visible changes, we've made a lot of progress behind the scenes. I'm pleased to welcome Scott Brown as our new Content Development Editor. He's working hard on planning the next few months' worth of articles and reports, as well as this autumn's FreePint Webinars.

Scott, our production staff and I are collaborating through cloud-based software package called Kapost, where we can easily manage the workflow around developing ideas into articles and reports, and then working through the nitty-gritty of production. 

Join the conversation

If collaboration looks to be a recurring theme in the articles in this issue of FreePint, that's no coincidence. In our increasingly connected world, collaboration is both easier and more important than ever. We rely on collaborative tools every day. I rarely see the people I work most closely with, and yet they are constantly present as I work.

We want you to be just as present to us as we plan, develop and publish articles and reports. Join the conversation by emailing any suggestions, ideas or editorial questions you have directly to Our best suggestions come from readers, because you tell us what you want YOUR FreePint to be.

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