Carol Bream My Favourite Tipples from a European Union Specialist
Jinfo Blog

8th July 2014

By Carol Bream


My Favourite Tipples are shared by Carol Bream, advisor to the Head of the Library of the European Commission Central Library where she focuses on the future development of library and information services. She shares her favourite online resources on topics from resource discovery to metadata and EU publications.


My favourite online resources on topics from resource discovery to metadata and EU publications:

  • "Our bread and butter" sources for EU Official Publications are our own catalogue, ECLAS, that of the Publications Office and those of our sister institutions in Eurolib.
  • My current interests centre on resource discovery, interoperability, open access/open data and the related issues of copyright and data protection. I use our Open Access links (any contributions are welcome) and a Kluwer IP RSS feed to abreast of relevant jurisprudence, and receive alerts from the journal "Big Data" and LinkedIn groups such as the Horizon 2020 (Official Group).
  • Joinup is an excellent source of current information on semantic issues, useful not only for public administrations, but also for anyone interested in facilitating search and discovery through linked data on the web. It covers core vocabularies, metadata schema, and interoperability solutions for e-government. I receive regular updates from the metadata registry. The mapping between our own thesaurus, ECLAS, and the EUROVOC thesaurus is available on the EU Open Data portal.

An article in FreePint which I found particularly interesting:

To speed up innovation in Europe and reach the goals of Europe 2020, the drive to open up data - while protecting personal data privacy and IPR - is highly topical, so I enjoyed your article Big Data Bonanza - But Only for Those With High Quality Data.

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