Robin Neidorf Research update - cresting the data analytics wave
Jinfo Blog

20th October 2016

By Robin Neidorf


Highlighting the central and strategic role of information professionals in data analytics.


When developing the current Jinfo Survey on data analytics, we worked from a hypothesis that most respondents would report that their skills and experience are underutilised for analytics projects and strategy. Early results bear this out, read more here, and take 10 minutes to complete the survey now.

Information professionals have a central and strategic role to play in the success of data analytics projects. Our goal throughout the current Research Focus, "Data analytics - ready your information service", is to provide tools, resources, analysis and case studies to help you raise the visibility and value of your skills in this emerging world. 

We've kicked things off with a well-attended webinar, "Create your plan to prepare for data analytics". If you missed it (and you have a Jinfo Subscription), you can sign in on that page to access the recording.

Coming in November, we have another webinar, "Identify - and overcome - the most common data analytics risks", then in December, "How information services can best work with the many stakeholders of data analytics".

At the same time, our research department is assembling:

  • A market landscape report, documenting how vendors are making data available for analytics, and what approaches they're taking to commercial terms
  • A portfolio of case studies, showing how information services in different organisations are participating in analytics projects, or readying themselves to do so.

If data analytics is important to you today, you can't afford to miss this. If data analytics is NOT important to you today, well, I can only promise you that it's coming. Soon.

Our starting point for understanding the current state of the industry is our survey. If you haven't yet done so, please participate now. Your responses are confidential, but providing a valid email address at the end will get you a copy of the report.


This item was featured in the most recent Jinfo Newsletter. The Jinfo Newsletter brings you updates on Jinfo's research, latest resources and tips. If you're not yet receiving it, register here (free).

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