Robin Neidorf Research update - is your department strategic or sidelined?
Jinfo Blog

27th July 2017

By Robin Neidorf


Use our unique benchmarking research to move your information department from sidelined to strategic.


In July I learned about another corporate information centre that is closing down. And met with three others in the same industry that are adding staff, capabilities and projects.

What makes the difference between the teams that position themselves strategically and those that get sidelined? The variables we identified and explored in Jinfo's current Research Focus, "Benchmark information roles - optimise your structure" provide a number of ways to examine your own environment and how you can become more valued through looking at:

  • Where you report (and why it matters)
  • How core information services and expertise are managed within your department as well as in other parts of the business
  • The measures by which you determine and report on success
  • Your inspiration and processes for creating an innovation mindset.

Benchmarking information services is never as easy as calculating FTEs against revenue or overall headcount. Our unique approach on this project enables you to decide which operational models are most like yours for benchmarking purposes. Then, from that decision, you can drill down into the factors that make up success for those models.

If you haven't yet done so, request your free copy of our "Insights & Actions" report now. In addition to a thematic index to all resources produced in the Research Focus, including links to our models, the report includes the full text of our top three insights from the research:

  1. The right model can be a lot of things
  2. You can future-proof your information service
  3. Start from strategy, then develop services.

You can't control everything in your environment; you can't predict which disruptions may affect your business in 18 months. But with our benchmarking research and our analysis of what the most successful information teams do, you can position yourself to be among those that are growing and thriving rather than those that are being absorbed into other parts of the business.


This item was featured in the most recent Jinfo Newsletter. The Jinfo Newsletter brings you updates on Jinfo's research, latest resources and tips. If you're not yet receiving it, register here (free).

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