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Newsletter No. 413

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FreePint Newsletter No.413


Robin NeidorfFor a general insight to be useful to an organisation, it has to be translated into something specific to them. For a specific insight to be useful to an industry, it has to be extrapolated to something more general.

These twin challenges sum up much of what I try to do as director of research for FreePint, and consulting services are often the way I do it:

  1. Making the General More Specific
    The most recent Subscription Update describes a consulting project in which I'm working with the information staff at a healthy multinational corporation. The staff are ready to take a more strategic position within the organisation around defining what "value" means, with regard to information products and services.

    We have published articles and produced webinars on this subject, as well as delivered a highly successful set of Communities of Practice (in person and via teleconference). In this project, however, I get to take into consideration the specific needs, culture and objectives of this organisation, to help this information team make a real difference in a short period of time.

  2. Making the Specific More General
    Last week I had a call with a customer who recently upgraded from the Community level to the Consulting level of service. She shared with me a number of her objectives in the upgrade decision. One was her desire to help FreePint - and thus help her peers in the wider industry - better understand the steps she and her staff take to ensure their services are central, strategic and appropriately funded.

    I know that as we work more closely with this customer on their specific projects in 2015, we are sure to learn strategies, perspectives and approaches that we can "generalise" to create fresh content, webinars and CoPs, to the greater benefit of all.

By design, consulting services are "baked into" our FreePint Subscription, which means that we are constantly moving from specifics to general insights and back again. It's efficient, it's effective, and it builds your capabilities, while keeping us focused on the broader needs of our industry.

Start the conversation about how FreePint Research can participate in creating change in your organisation, and adding to the sum of knowledge in our industry, by emailing me at or through our contact form.

Season's greetings, Robin Neidorf
Director of Research, FreePint

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  • Rachel SestiniMy Favourite Tipples from a Tax Specialist
    My Favourite Tipples are shared by Rachel Sestini, managing director of Sestini & Co, a tax advisory business catering for high net worth individuals and high-growth business owners. She shares her insights into non-cost or low-cost sites to use as part of the Know Your Customer process.

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  • Catherine DhanjalFreePint Subscription Update - What's New and What's Coming
    Find out what's new and upcoming in FreePint's Content, Community, and Consulting - including reviews on key news products, and articles on FreePint's research into news needs and preferences, a preview of our next FreePint Topic Series: Making Information Visible, and an update on FreePint's Community of Practice and consulting services.

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Season's Greetings from FreePint

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The FreePint Newsletter (ISSN 1460-7239) is published by Free Pint Limited. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. Product names used in FreePint are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners. FreePint disclaims any and all rights in those marks. All rights reserved.

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