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Adrian Janes Library and Information Show 2008: Information Literacy is Key
29th May 2008

This year’s Library and Information (LIS) in Birmingham show put a spotlight on user empowerment, with vendors introducing features and functions that engage users and enhance access. In his report from the show, Adrian Janes also describes how information literacy has become a critical issue for information professionals.



Diana Nutting Information Provision: Adding Value
8th May 2008

Information professionals are often seen as peripherally providing a service to an organisation rather than being an integral part of the management of that organisation.



Peggy Garvin US Government Information On the Internet
22nd April 2008

The founding fathers of the United States designed a system that shared power among three independent government branches. More than 200 years later, it’s no surprise that US government information resources are also distributed. Peggy Garvin provides a resource guide for help searchers know where to look for US government information, wherever it resides.



Julie Gershon Identity Theft: The Fastest Growing Crime Wave and Our Role
13th April 2008

Identity theft is a growing problem as more personal data finds its way online, enabling thieves to pose as someone else in order to obtain credit, merchandise or services. Julie Gershon provides common sense tips on protecting your online identity to ensure that you steer clear of the epidemic.



Joanna Ptolomey Develop Your Independent Business: Using Information Strategically
6th April 2008

Independent information professionals may work outside the corporate fold, but that doesn't excuse them from the critical tasks of auditing their own businesses and strategic planning. Joanna Ptolemy shares her own process for finding, using, synthesising and delivering the information from her independent practice to the most important client of all - herself.



Tim Buckley Owen Exposing the secret state
31st March 2008

There isn't an information professional in the world these days who doesn't have to demonstrate that they add value. But media librarians - the folk who work for news organisations, publications and broadcasters - probably need to try harder than most.



Marcy Phelps Finding People Information: Free Sources and Web 2.0
31st March 2008

If you're like me, your email inbox is full of offers for free webinars. Recently one caught my attention. It was called 'Finding People Information: Free Sources and Web 2.0', offered by Donna Fryer of Global Information Research & Retrieval, LLC...
