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Mini review of Global Market Model
Tuesday, 2nd February 2021
Global Market Model by The Business Research Company is a market intelligence tool designed to help companies find new customers, understand competitors and analyse global markets. This mini review looks at the company behind the product, as well as its extensive database of economic and market data and forecasts. We find out what changes have been made to the product since Jinfo last reviewed it a couple of years ago. We also take a look at some of its competitors, including Euromonitor’s Passport, MarketLine’s Advantage, IBISWorld, and Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research.
Product review of Factiva (value - purchasing, development and competitor landscape)
Friday, 30th October 2020
In the final part of our updated product review of Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news and business information service, we take a look at its new customer support site, launched in July of this year. We also explore the competitor landscape, which is made up of LexisNexis, Naviga's NewsEdge, ISI Emerging Markets and Meltwater and Cision, D&B's Hoovers and Alacra, Manzama, InfoDesk, and Northern Light's SinglePoint.
Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)
Product review of Factiva (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts and administration)
Thursday, 29th October 2020
The third part of Jinfo's updated product review of Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news and business information service, looks at how the company continues to invest in both its technology and content to meet the needs of its users. In particular, we highlight Factiva Labs, launched in November 2019, which allows members to provide feedback on new features, its new mobile app, and its developer portal, which helps developers build apps using news and data from Dow Jones, including the Factiva content set.
Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)
Product review of Factiva (sources - content and coverage)
Wednesday, 28th October 2020
In the second part of our updated product review of Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news and business information service, we focus on some of its newer content with the addition of sources from 98 countries in 21 languages, along with the results of its annual content survey.
Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)
Product review of Factiva (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
Tuesday, 27th October 2020
The first part of our updated product review of Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news and business information service, provides an overview of the company and product, highlights its key advantages, looks at how it has changed since our last review and what future developments are in the pipeline.
Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)
Product Review of Factiva
Tuesday, 27th October 2020
Since Jinfo last reviewed Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news and business information service, there have been quite a few changes. As well as the addition of hundreds of new sources, its geographic coverage has also been expanded along with a new focus on globally important industries.
Product review of Factiva (purchasing, development and competitor landscape)
Thursday, 15th August 2019
In the final part of Jinfo's new product review of premium global news database Factiva, we take a look at its value, the help and training available, key future product development plans and pricing. We also examine the competitor landscape, which includes Nexis, Naviga's NewsEdge, and ISI Emerging Markets in the traditional business news and information market, along with Meltwater, Cision, D&B's Hoovers, Alacra, Manzama Insights, and InfoDesk in the media monitoring space.
Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3233
Product review of Factiva (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
Wednesday, 14th August 2019
In the third part of our new product review of Factiva, global news aggregator, we explore some of its latest enhancements, particularly in relation to its search performance and interface. We also take a closer look at Dow Jones Intelligent Indexing and its migration to a full machine learning model, its API and wide range of uses, as well as the various reports that are available to administrators.
Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3233
Product review of Factiva (sources - content & coverage)
Tuesday, 13th August 2019
In the second part of our updated product review of Factiva, global news aggregator, we look at some of the content that has been added since our last review, as well as user feedback from Factiva's annual content survey.
Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3233
Product review of Factiva (key advantages, introduction and contact details)
Monday, 12th August 2019
In the first part of our new in-depth product review of Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news aggregation service, we highlight its key advantages and provide an overview of the company and product. In addition, we outline some of the main changes that have been incorporated since our last review and take a look at likely future developments.
Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/3233
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26th February 2025
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How to thrive in 2025; AI and news with Dow Jones; AI contracting questions answered; information risk; end-user education
7th January 2025
- Data-led AI, educating colleagues about AI, standardising data licences, from information retrieval to integrated intelligence with Dow Jones Factiva
12th February 2025 - Data-led AI initiatives - the role for information managers?
11th February 2025 - How to thrive in 2025; AI and news with Dow Jones; AI contracting questions answered; information risk; end-user education
7th January 2025
- Jinfo Community session (TBC - Mar 2025) (Community) 20th March 2025
- The impact of AI: educating colleagues (Community) 26th February 2025
- From information retrieval to integrated intelligence - with Dow Jones (Community) 23rd January 2025