Robin Neidorf Research update - new models for successful information services
Jinfo Blog

20th September 2018

By Robin Neidorf


Find out how Jinfo's models can help you close the gap between today's reality and your desired future for your information centre.


I recently reconnected with someone I worked with 15 years ago. We caught up on our lives and careers and reminisced about a key project we worked on together.

Documenting systems

"What I learned working on that project," I said, "was how to compare different real-world situations and document them as recognisable systems, with consistent characteristics, success factors and challenges."

That project, in fact, was pivotal to developing the expertise I now use to help create Jinfo’s unique collection of models. And Jinfo customers reap the benefits.

Practical models to drive progress

Jinfo models are short reports that explain processes, systems and success factors.

You can use them to compare your current operations, skills and strategies against what the best information teams do, and then create a realistic plan to close the gaps between where you are today and where you want to be.

The current Research Focus, "Benchmark information roles - Jinfo models of excellence", offers a number of new models:

  • Automation and optimisation: when, how and why to get out of spreadsheets and email, and reap the benefits of efficient operations and collaboration

Try them for yourself

Our collection of Jinfo models is always growing, and they're available for download with a Jinfo Subscription.

Use these models and the rest of our Content to shape your work. Join our Community sessions to exchange ideas with peers. And if you need a knowledgeable partner, guiding you and keeping you accountable, get assistance from Jinfo Consulting.


This item was featured in the most recent Jinfo Newsletter. The Jinfo Newsletter brings you updates on Jinfo's research, latest resources and tips. If you're not yet receiving it, register here (free).

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