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Community deck - pricing models for information and data licensing
Monday, 8th March 2021
If you license external information and data into your organisation, you’ve likely encountered a wide range of pricing models, supplier requirements and unique use clauses.This Jinfo Community session, part of our Focus on Content Portfolio, provided a forum for us to discuss:Current...
Pricing models for information and data licensing
2nd March 2021
If you license external information and data into your organisation, you’ve likely encountered a wide range of pricing models, supplier requirements and unique use clauses.This Jinfo Community session, part of our Focus on Content Portfolio, provided a forum for us to discuss:Current...
Evaluating information products
Tuesday, 24th November 2020
The evaluation of products and information sources is a core activity for information professionals. It involves assessing current and future needs of users, whether any gaps are being addressed and ensuring value is being delivered to the organisation.
In a five-part series of articles, Jinfo...
Evaluating information products (step four - outcome and learning points)
Tuesday, 24th November 2020
In this last article in a series of five, we look at the output of the final evaluation stage of the project. It covers aggregating and analysing data, and presenting recommendations and learning points. As with the previous articles, we use the example of a comprehensive comparative analysis of patent research projects conducted by the InfoCenter at Cargill and present activities and examples of best practice.
Evaluating information products (step three - testing the products)
Monday, 23rd November 2020
In this fourth article in a series of five on the product evaluation process, we look at what needs to be done to test the products. We look at how to identify a list of products, how to create an initial review of them, as well as user testing of the products and capturing data. We focus on a comparative analysis of patent research projects conducted by the InfoCenter at Cargill, along with activities and examples of best practice.
Evaluating information products (step two - design)
Friday, 20th November 2020
In this third article in a series of five, we look at what needs to be done to lay the foundations for a successful evaluation process. We look at how to get participants involved and develop criteria for testing and documentation. We focus on a comparative analysis of patent research products conducted by the InfoCenter at Cargill, along with activities and examples of best practice.
Evaluating information products (step one - scoping and laying the foundation)
Thursday, 19th November 2020
In this second article in a series of five, we look at what needs to be done to lay the foundations for a successful evaluation process. This includes defining the business need and planning the project methodology. We demonstrate this using the example of a comprehensive comparative analysis of patent research products conducted by the InfoCenter at Cargill.
Evaluating information products (introduction)
Wednesday, 18th November 2020
In the introduction to a five-part series of articles, we look at the steps involved in laying the foundations for a successful evaluation process. This includes how to evaluate comparative products and sources, and factors impacting product evaluation. By way of example, we look at the value of following a set process and evaluating patent search products at Cargill.
Negotiations in this time - what to expect
Tuesday, 22nd September 2020
With the business world beset by challenges, what has been the impact on negotiations between suppliers of content and data and their clients in the information management world? Here, we outline and examine the changes we're seeing in vendor-client relationships as both sides try to react and adapt in pressured times.
Market landscape - document delivery
Tuesday, 8th September 2020
In this market landscape, we look at six of the more popular document delivery tools available. A brief description and explanation of key features of each service or research platform is outlined, with additional information on typical users, geographic scope, and pricing:
Article Galaxy...
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The impact of AI: educating colleagues
26th February 2025
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How to thrive in 2025; AI and news with Dow Jones; AI contracting questions answered; information risk; end-user education
7th January 2025
- Data-led AI, educating colleagues about AI, standardising data licences, from information retrieval to integrated intelligence with Dow Jones Factiva
12th February 2025 - Data-led AI initiatives - the role for information managers?
11th February 2025 - How to thrive in 2025; AI and news with Dow Jones; AI contracting questions answered; information risk; end-user education
7th January 2025
- Jinfo Community session (TBC - Mar 2025) (Community) 20th March 2025
- The impact of AI: educating colleagues (Community) 26th February 2025
- From information retrieval to integrated intelligence - with Dow Jones (Community) 23rd January 2025