Robin Neidorf Insight 2 from Research Focus on Intelligence - the "value dance" of sources, tech and users
Jinfo Blog

4th November 2019

By Robin Neidorf


How do you determine the value of your intelligence system? In this latest blog, Robin Neidorf looks at how balancing the ongoing, three-way dance between ever-expanding source material, advances in technology and the foibles of user behaviour is the key to staying in front.


Intelligence systems - intelligence 2020Three interrelated factors determine the value of your intelligence system:

  1. Sources
  2. Technology
  3. User behaviour.

Balancing these factors requires you to apply your unique expertise in identifying the right resources, stay in front of rapid changes in technology, and regularly evaluate actual use cases.

Even taken in isolation, each of these is a complex area of study. At this point in time, we have access to the richest diversity of sources ever, putting ever greater pressure on information teams to review, validate and manage all the options. The leaps forward in technology expand the potential of your systems... but they demand new knowledge in the APIs and machine learning that characterise dynamic intelligence platforms.

And as for user behaviours, well that's an area that requires constant attention. User needs and expectations follow their experiences with consumer products. As a result, users are constantly pushing at the limitations of platforms designed for secure corporate systems. 

Creating an environment where intelligence drives the right business decisions is always a three-way dance between sources, technology and user behaviour. Your expertise is what guides the steps of that dance.


Act, with Jinfo:

Whether you need to review sources, technology, user behaviour, or all three factors, Jinfo's expertise can help you find the quickest route to the right answers for your organisation:

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