Robin Neidorf Catch Up, Keep Up: Jinfo Webinars available to book now
Jinfo Blog

11th September 2019

By Robin Neidorf


Information professionals are as time-pressured as everyone else in business, but with Jinfo's Webinars and Community sessions - included in your subscription - have the opportunity to book out time to catch up with the latest developments in areas such as benchmarking, the ROI of current awareness, content purchasing and closing the "news is easy" gap. Each session offers unique content, with full speaker notes available to subscribers following sessions.


"This looks relevant, but I've got so much to do and so little time..."

It's a rare professional indeed that doesn't find their time to be under pressure in some way.. Everybody recognises the importance of keeping up to date with developments in their field, but might hold back if there's a lack of clarity over time committed versus knowledge gained. Focus is key.

For professionals reviewing Jinfo resources, remember that webinars and Community sessions are a great way to interact with our research in a focused way - plus, you get the benefit of putting a 60-minute appointment in your diary, carving out a specific window of time to clear the mind and concentrate on the topic at hand.

The events for the Research Focus, "Intelligence systems - intelligence 2020" are now bookable, along with our other events running from September through December (including one more webinar and two Community sessions - for finance and for professional services & legal - reflecting our benchmarking work.

Please click on the links below to book.

Webinars (attend live, or listen to the recording and download the deck and speaker notes after the event)

Community sessions (attend live, or download the deck and speaker notes after the event)

If you have any queries or suggestions for future events, do contact us. And if you do not yet have a Jinfo Subscription, please contact Claire Laybats to discuss how we can help.

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